Sep 17, 2009

Hello from Ensenada!!

Garrett sent these pic's this past week so I thought that I'd share them with all of you. This is a picture of the Mexican Flag in the distance. Garrett said that it is HUGE! He said it would easily fit over the peach building in the background. The next picture is him standing in front of the bottom of the flagpole. You can tell from that picture that it has to be a pretty big flag. He said the Mexican people are very proud of their country. All the flags are really big like that.

Garrett just had his Six Month burning of his tie!! He has been out six months. Can you believe it?? Elder Castillo is holding his tie. He did say that it isn't one of his good ties. They have an "Ugly Tie Box" in the apartment that they got this ugly flower tie out of. I don't know what Garrett is holding but I think it is a can of Hair spray to fuel the fire with. All the Jordan noticed about this picture was that Garrett is wearing Adidas Soccer shoes. I just had to laugh.
Since Garrett has been out he has lost 65lbs.! I knew that was alot but until I got this picture, I didn't realize how much he lost. He said that he has made 10 new holes in his belt. His pants must look awful right now. I hope he can make it a little while longer for some new ones or until he quits losing weight!!

Garrett and his companion went to "Valle de Gradalupe" to see the vinyards. They look alot like the pic's that Margie sent home from Chile. I guess the weather is such that they grow well there. While they were there Garrett took a picture of this bull. I guess they grow well there too...for the bullfights!!

This is a picture Garrett took out their apartment window. It is a sunset on the ocean. Beautiful isn't it??Garrett lives on the second floor of their building, which gives them a better view!

Elder Buenrostro (from Mexico City) and also Garrett's companion in their funky hat with the dregs attached. I don't know what it is with the white sunglasses either but I'm sure it's just missionary fun.Garrett had to send this particular picture because we couldn't talk him into buying a sweater to take with him. He hates sweaters!! He said it was cold one morning so Elder Black let him borrow one of his. They left their apartment and within one block they took them off because they got to HOT. Go figure. I really laughed about that one.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I thought this would be the best way for all of you to see them. Remember to keep him in your prayers and don't forget to write him. He enjoys mail!! Love you all and hope everything is going great!


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