Can we say SNOW!!! I can not believe how much we have gotten in such a short time...Jordan and Richard were out shoveling the driveway and had just gotten it all done when along came the snowplow and buried the driveway with 3 feet of new snow. Needless to say they were both alittle discussed about it and so they started to shovel again when they almost finished and the plow came by again and buried them again. I think it took them about an hour to get the driveway shoveled. It was a REAL experience but not an exciting one. I thought it was funny so decided to take a few pictures.

On our first day of snow, Jordan went to early morning Seminary and got to school just fine, this being the first time he has driven in snow since he got his license, but hit a slick spot going into the parking lot at school and hit the post. Not a fun experience since this is his only mode of transportation. It took out the right headlight and the fender had to be pushed out to drive it home. Needless to say he's on foot at the moment and now mom has become his taxi!! I hope it gets fixed soon but I guess replacing the fender it the expensive part, so we will see. He might be on foot till after Christmas vacation.